- F-ko30 Rolling the gear
Set: Rolling the gear. SMM F-ko30
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 12,95 - F-ko31 Packing the Pukkel
Set: Packing the pukkel. SMM F-ko31
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 9,95 - F-ko32 Tugging in yourself
Set: Tugging in yourself. SMM F-ko32
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 9,95 - F-HPG01 Brushing teeth
Set: Brushing teeth. SMM F-HPG01
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 10,95 - F-HPG02 Face Washer
Set: Face Washer. SMM F-HPG02
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 9,95 - F-HPG03 Trousers up.
Set: Trousers up. SMM F-HPG03
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Comes with a set of boots
Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 10,95 - F-HPG04 Drying the head
Set: Drying the head. SMM F-HPG04
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 9,95 - F-HPG05 Bath tub in the field
Set: Bath tub in the field. SMM F-HPG05
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Use: Tamiya's M113's
Material: 3D resin. Figure comes lose.
Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
XX000€ 19,95 - F-ko33 The leaner
Set: The Leaner. SMM F-ko33
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 10,95 - F-ko34 Staff mooching
Set: Staff mooching. SMM F-ko34
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 11,95 - F-ko37 Lightweight Driver
Set: Lightweight Driver. SMM F-ko37
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 10,95 - F-ko38 cathing by
Set: Catching by. SMM F-ko37
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Works perfect together with the Lightweight and LaRo AD.
Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 11,45 - F-Ko40 Chilling in the forrest 1
Set: Chilling in the forrest #1. SMM F-ko40
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 10,95 - F-Ko41 Chilling in the forrest 2
Set: Chilling in the forrest#2. SMM F-ko41
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 10,95 - F-Ko42 Eaing in the forrest
Set: Eating in the forrest #3. SMM F-ko42
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 11,95 - F-Ko44 Sitting in the forrest
Set: Sitting in the forrest. SMM F-ko44
Scale: 1/35 1:35
Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:
X0000€ 11,95